Command Your Soul to Hope

This message is continued from The Bugle, our email newsletter. To receive The Bugle, enter your email in the Subscribe box on this page! 

Paul says, “But we see things imperfectly as in a poor mirror.” Have you ever been to a fun house and seen those wobbled mirrors, and you look crooked when you look at them? Well, the lens of how you see things and what you’re looking at will distort the picture of reality. We are often living out our lives by the view of how we see. So, if our vision is diluted, twisted or clouded, it will cause us to live according to what we see. Now, if I’d have gone out in a boat with those bad lenses, I could have hit that reef.

You’ve got to know what you’re looking at because that could be an obstacle or an opportunity. You can be looking at an obstacle that you want to avoid or you can be looking at an opportunity that you want to find. Paul said, “Now we see things imperfectly, as in a poor (or poverty mentality) mirror, but then we will see everything.” Once we stop acting like a child, we’ll see everything with perfect clarity. Say, “Lord, I want to see my purpose with perfect clarity.” I want to see the plan that God has for me, as much of it as He’ll reveal to me. I want to see it real clear. I want to see it plain. I don’t want to see it clouded up.

Sometimes, with glasses, you get fingerprints and things on them, and they look weird. Then, you wipe them off and you put them on and say, “Oh, that’s better.”  I had a TV that I’d shipped and everybody, and his mother, had put their hands on it. When we turned it on, all we could see was hand prints and smudges. We got a microfiber cloth and wiped it off and said, “Oh, wow, that’s better picture!” Don’t you know life is that way? Paul says, “But then we will see everything with perfect clarity.” Like my binoculars. “All that I know now is partial and incomplete, but then I will know everything completely when I see things right, just as God knows me now.”

There is more to this message! You can watch it on YouTube at this link!
