Preparing the Church for Harvest

This message is continued from The Bugle, our email newsletter. To receive The Bugle, enter your email in the Subscribe box on this page!

The church has to learn to be relevant, to not be of the world but to be in the world.  A lot of times we are struggling like crazy and we don’t know what to do with this world, but we all are dependent on it and have to use it.

Smart people will discern the times like the sons of Issachar. The children of mammon are wiser than the children of light. We have to get a little bit of education. That’s why I always suggest that you read, because we need to get smarter than we are. The sons of Issachar knew the times and the seasons. We need to know the day and we need to know what to do in the times. The church only wants to come sit in a pew, get a message, get prayed for, and feel better. We have to come to church to see how God can equip and arm us and train and empower us to make a difference in the culture. Some say, “Well, it’s the end times.” Listen, it may be the end times but you can go out on the bottom or you can go out on the top. It’s all up to you.

Let me tell you a story. On Dec 31,1759 an event happened. A man named Arthur Guinness opened a brewery in Dublin, Ireland. He leased a four-acre piece of property at St. James Gate that was located at the west entry of the city. It had great foot traffic for his new ale that he wanted to present. It was also the site of an annual fair where best selling ale was offered. But, he chose the piece of property because the city planners were going to build Ireland’s Grand Canal adjacent to it, so he’d have a shipping lane right from his factory. He went and found out the plan. He found out what the fathers were doing and he got in front of them. Guinness had an eye for opportunity, but he must’ve also had a knack for negotiation because he managed to secure a lease for that property for 9,000 years. The point of my story with this guy is going to lead me right into a scripture.

There is more to this message! You can watch it on YouTube at this link!
