Your Confession Opens Doors

This message is continued from The Bugle, our email newsletter. To receive The Bugle, enter your email in the Subscribe box on this page! 

We can boldly come before His throne because of the blood. It’s the blood of Jesus Christ that gives us this access into His throne. We took communion this morning so it’s very appropriate that we would talk about the blood. We must know that without the blood there is no remission of sins.

We need to understand why they had an Old Testament lamb shed its blood, and why is Jesus the New Testament. It’s because “blood” means that something paid for that process that you’re enjoying. We refer to it like soldiers. We talk about blood and treasure. Have you ever heard that report? The soldiers are out in the field and they get injured or killed and we talk about how they sacrificed blood and treasure. Blood sacrifice has always been the evidence that something was bought at a heavy price. God made sure we understood, from a biblical perspective, how powerful the blood sacrifice is in our understanding of God’s love. It’s important because Jesus shed his blood for you and me.

Now, what is this word “confession” about? What are we to hold on to? Our confession that we need to hold on to is what the Word of God confesses about us. That’s what you and I have to hold on to everyday. In the court setting, when you know that you’re forgiven, you hold on to something. We saw that play out in court recently. That’s no demise to the person who felt they had a case in their own mind, but they didn’t have a case that could prove evidence. But, this man knew that it wasn’t him. He was holding on by the confession of God’s Word.

There is more to this message! You can watch it on YouTube at this link!
