Set In Motion

This message is continued from The Bugle, our email newsletter. To receive The Bugle, enter your email in the Subscribe box on this page!

This is an apostolic prophetic house that leans in to hear the Word of the Lord. This is a leaning in house. When you want to hear somebody say something, you lean in. There are some people in this room who get your lean on. This is a prophetic house. The prophets come here. They gather here. That is what makes Rock Rock. Why this atmosphere is so charged and what makes this house different is “Thus sayeth the Lord”. That’s why people are drawn from different backgrounds and different nations and different ethnicities and different generations. It is because of the “Thus sayeth the Lord” that is in this house.

It’s like these walls understand the scripture where King Zedekiah asked the question, “Is there any word from the Lord?” And the prophet Jeremiah answered him and said, “Yes there is! There is a word from the Lord. Thus sayeth the Lord.” It’s like in 2 Kings chapter three when Elisha was called and said, “As the Lord of hosts lives before whom I stand were it not that I regard the presence of Jehoshaphat, the king of Judah, I would not even look at you nor see you.” He’s talking to the other king. That’s crazy, prophetic language… He’s saying, “I wouldn’t even come into the room if it weren’t for this guy right here. But since he’s here, I’m here, and here’s how it’s gonna work. But now, bring me a minstrel. Bring me a harp.” It says that when the minstrel played, the hand, the power and the favor of the Lord came upon Elisha and he said, “Thus sayeth the Lord, you’re not going to see wind and you’re not going to see rain, but these valleys of trenches are going to see water. You’re not going to know how it’s going to work but I speak a ‘Thus sayeth the Lord.’” He said, “Bring me somebody who can minister to the Lord.”

That’s why it’s important, with the prophetic, that there is an atmosphere of worship. Worship and prophecy go together. It’s not one without the other. They go together, and Elisha basically says this, “Bring me someone who can minister to the Lord. Bring me someone who can set an atmosphere for God to speak. Bring me someone who can strike a cord, who can play a note, who can sing a song, that is going to release a flow, that is going to cause a conversation to take place, and God will speak a ‘Thus sayeth the Lord’”.

There is more to this message! You can watch it on our RockCCBaltimore YouTube channel (formerly BartPierceLive) at this link!
