Stop Satan From Getting You Off Track

This message is continued from The Bugle, our email newsletter. To receive The Bugle, enter your email in the Subscribe box on this page! 

I looked at that city that got flooded (that we were talking about on Sunday). You could read about those people who were fragmented because of their story. The oldest woman from that city just died recently. She was 103 years old. She told a story of how the flooding of her city fragmented her because, as a child, that city was so important to her. She knew where the church was. She knew where the school was and where the neighbors were. She knew all the pieces of that city that made up that community. Then, when the enemy came in… When the flood came in… It fragmented that city and spread people everywhere.

Do you know that war does that? When war comes in it fragments a city. If you ever see pictures of World War II you will not believe it’s London. There are places they just left. It was like that after the aerial bombings of Germany which left England a devastation. There are places in that city that are still fragmented. France is still fragmented. Europe is still fragmented. The enemy is successful in breaking things apart so that the nation becomes fragmented. America is fragmented, today.  As you begin to understand the fragmenting process of the enemy, remember, scattering is a curse.

We find a story in Ezekiel about a bunch of bones laying in a field. The scripture says that they were scattered. The bones are referred to as scatterings. God intends for us to be made whole, and not be scattered. But, the enemy causes us to be a trail of fractured pieces, scattered along the path of our lives, instead of a whole collection of an eternal plan.

There is more to this message! You can watch it today at our YouTube channel RockCCBaltimore!