When I’m Overwhelmed Lead Me to the Rock

This message is continued from The Bugle, our email newsletter. To receive The Bugle, enter your email in the Subscribe box on this page! 

Now, let me define something right here. When I talk about weakness, I’m not talking about a weakness brought on by your own sin. I’m talking about what just comes in life. I’m not talking about weakness from the fact that you deliberately set in motion things in your life that have weakened you. There is a difference. I’m talking about what the scripture says is the value that Christ brings in our life when we’re weak.

Watch this. It’s so important to see. They use words like joy, rejoice and delight. In 2 Corinthians 12:10 they talk about delighting in weakness. But, I’ve got to tell you something. God is doing something different most of the time in our lives. We think that He’s preparing blessing for us, when really, He’s preparing us for blessing. You see, it’s more important to God for him to create faith in you than it is to deliver you from the things that cause you to be weak.

Verse 10 says, “That is why, for Christ sake, I delight in weakness, in insults…” Come on! How many of you believe Paul was tilted? There’s something wrong with this guy. He said, “I delight in insults.” Some of you run, cry, pout, whisper and gossip because somebody insulted your flesh. But, Paul said, “I delight in hardships.” Oh, my God! Now we’re eliminating whole generations! You know… “I want the job as long as it’s not too hard. I’ll help, as long as it’s not too hard.”

He said, “I delight in persecutions. I delight in difficulties.” These are strange people! What do we do? As soon as we’re in difficulty we say, “Hey! Help! Pray for me. I’m suffering.” Life is so difficult. Persecution. Hardship. Insult. Weaknesses. “Oh, Lord. How shall I make it?” For when I am weak then I am strong. You mean, if I’m in those situations I’m going to end up, somehow, strong? Is this the way that God works? He lets you, on a regular basis, experience those and other things because he wants to make you strong.

There is more to this message! You can watch it on YouTube at this link!
