The Spirit of Jezebel

This message is continued from The Bugle, our email newsletter. To receive The Bugle, enter your email in the Subscribe box on this page! 

Behind everything there’s a spirit. Behind creation there’s the Spirit of God. When you see a tree or a fish or an animal… Behind that is the Spirit of God. The Bible says that the earth was broken. God has always delighted in something broken. He likes brokenness and he uses brokenness to give himself glory. The earth was void and with out form and without shape. It was broken and God came in and fixed it. You and I were broken and he came in and fixed us.

We need to look at the fact that God wants us to see that there’s a spirit world and the spirit world is happening today, and is activated today, more so than it ever has been. I’ve been in moves of God and there’s an activation of the Spirit realm that causes supernatural things to happen. I’ve read about, and spoken to first hand, people who were in the Welch revival and in the 1906 and Latter Rain Revivals. I have a firsthand experience and a firsthand knowledge of people who were in a place where the Spirit of God moved. When that happens it overrides. It invades. It’s a supernatural thing. We had that here in 1997. God just showed up.

But, right now, there is an outpouring of a spirit. I want you to get this! It’s not the Spirit of God. We need to be able, as Christians, to discern. We need to discern the day we’re living in, but we need to discern spirits. I’m a strong proponent of the fact that Christians operate out of the soul realm, a dominant part of their life. They listen to the soulish realm. The psuche. The carnal mind.  The mind, the will and the emotions.  Psuche – that’s what it means. They listen to the soul. I’m aware of that. We can’t go there and ignore that there’s a spirit world operating at the same time. There’s a spirit that wants to keep you out of church. Wants to keep you dumb. Wants to keep you in sin. Wants to make you a prisoner and do this kind of stuff all of the time.

Learn more about this spirit that’s loosed on the earth today! The message continues on YouTube at RockCCBaltimore!
