Who’s In Charge? Pt.5

This message is continued from The Bugle, our email newsletter. To receive The Bugle, enter your email in the Subscribe box on this page!

Notice something. When you have authority… I’ve been praying. You’ve heard me on the morning prayer calls. I’ve been praying some specific prayers of intercession. Some of you are getting to leak in to find out how I pray. You’ll notice that I don’t pray passive. I kick… and take names. Because I’m serious about how I pray. Because I know God hears my prayers and I know God moves when I pray. Because He hears the prayer of the righteous. He won’t hear the prayer of the fool. He’ll hear the prayer of the righteous.

I’ve been praying about how this thing should kind of unfold, here. We need to make a move on how we need to come out of this thing. I’ve been saying that the doctors, Fauci, and the different ones, are good. But, they’ve been wrong a lot. They told us to wear a mask. They told us don’t wear a mask. They told us the mask will make you sick. Then, they tell us if we don’t get out that we’re going to get sicker. Listen, if you go to your doctor on Tuesday and he says, “Okay, you’ve got cancer. There is no healing and you’ll be dead in two days.” You go home and kiss and hug everybody and then he calls you up and says, “Oops, you’re going to live for another thirty years…” You’d kind of go, “I ain’t listening to him again.” I’m not trying to be unfair, because I wouldn’t want their role. But, if I had their role, I would be humble enough to say, “I don’t really know totally but this is what I think we ought to be doing.” That helps me a little bit.

I’ve been praying, saying, “Lord, we only have one Commander in Chief. We only have one President.” I’m not here to help you learn to vote. I’m here to give you biblical understanding. In that process, I’ve been praying, “Let our president speak.” Well, he came out last Friday! He came out! Oh, my God! He didn’t mix beans. And then, he just said, “Goodbye!” The media was mad at him because they didn’t get told ahead of time so they could get their ammunition and shoot at him. He just got in and said, “This is it!” Boom! Goodbye!

We’re going to look at some prophetic proclamations and apostolic decrees. What do they mean?

We will continue on Monday! Have a great weekend!
