A Moment of Clarity – Pastor Patrick Kiteley

This message is continued from The Bugle, our email newsletter. To receive The Bugle, enter your email in the Subscribe box on this page!

When God does the transformation, by the way, He does it quickly. I’m looking for God to do some quick things in this hour. There are some quick works that we are about to see. Just as quickly as we’ve seen things change in America with the right idea… Maybe not necessarily with the right methods… The right ideas.

I grew up in the African American community. All my friends growing up, and I was the white boy. And, everybody told me every single day. They reminded me! They called me white, and then…a cuss word. That was my nickname. I didn’t know. I grew up and I had friends die. Just three weeks ago one of my friends I grew up with, Chuck, got shot. I played ball with him. I grew up in it.

What God wants to do is to raise up something in this hour, because He is the God of justice. He’s not only faithful. He’s not only gracious. He’s not only omnipotent and omniscient, but He also is just. He’s the God of justice and He wants to bring justice in a land that’s been filled with injustice. He wants to do it the right way. But, the only way to do it the right way is not through man’s methods of ideologies, and it’s not by power and it’s not by might, but it’s by His Spirit. And, where it has to happen and where it has to start first is in the House of God. It has to start with God’s people.

God didn’t deal with the nation of Israel in Gideon’s day, first. He dealt with Gideon. Then, He said, “Before you deal with the nation, after I deal with you, I need you to go to your father’s house. I need you to go to your house and I need you to take down the Baal in your back yard. And, I have to deal with my house, first, before I deal with the nation. You see, God’s coming!

There is more to this message! You can watch it on YouTube at RockCCBaltimore!
