Sunday* mornings at 10:30 a.m.
* (1st Sunday’s God’s Generals will join the main service in the sanctuary)
Thursday evenings at 7:00 p.m.

Nursery- “Kingdom Kadets” (Ages 2 mo. to 36 mo.)
Our youngest ones are introduced to Jesus through the reading of God’s Word, praying scriptures, participating in interactive worship with instruments and movement, and through moments of purposeful play.
Jeremiah 1:5 says, “Before I formed you in the womb, I knew you; before you were born, I sanctified you; and I ordained you a prophet to the nations.” If God knew these little ones before they even made their appearance on Earth, then they can most certainly absorb and receive impartations of Kingdom principles and His Word from even the youngest ages.
According to research from Dr. Gloria Julius, “the moral development of children begins in their first year of life, and brain development research shows the first five years are a critical period in which to build the foundation for children’s social-emotional well-being. Emotional intelligence is influenced early on by children’s interactions with parents and caregivers. Children as young as 6 months old can begin demonstrating outward signs of budding empathy skills. It’s important for children’s loved ones to be aware of the critical role they play in nurturing the character traits and skills needed for later success.”
Pre-K- “Little Lieutenants” (Ages 3 yrs. to 5 yrs.)
A strong foundation in Christ helps children develop the spiritual skills they need to become well-functioning citizen of the Kingdom of God. In particular, the time between birth and age 3 is a period of rapid brain development when billions of connections between individual neurons are established.
The experiences children have early in life play a crucial role in the development of the brain, including their character. Exposure to positive factors, especially stable and responsive relationships with parents and other adults, and safe and supportive environments promote positive development.
When brain development in infants and young children is fully supported, they are more likely to reach milestones critical to future individual and community success.
Between the ages of 2 and 5, many children start to show morally-based behaviors and beliefs; therefore, it is essential that children hear and know the Word of God. God promises us in Proverbs 22:6 that if we “Train up a child in the way he should go: and when he is old, he will not depart from it.”

Elementary- “God’s Generals” (Ages 6 yrs. to 11 yrs.)
It is our greatest desire to equip Generation 1 (ages birth to 12) to know Jesus personally, know and understand God’s Word, and to be filled with the power of the Holy Spirit. We desire to see God use this generation to preach His Word, heal the sick, and deliver captives. It is our greatest mandate and responsibility to ensure that they don’t just know about Him, but know Him intimately and personally.
Our children are in a battle. Just look around and you’ll agree that there are many differnet ways that the enemy is trying to captivate the hearts and minds of the next generation.
Children in God’s Generals are taught God’s Word, prayer, worship, and walking in the power of the Holy Spirit through engaging, interactive lessons. Children are also taught leadership skills and provided with opportunities to lead worship, lesson activities, and community outreach opportunities. Many of our children help lead praise and worship in class, pray for others, and share what they are learning from God’s Word. Once our God’s Generals turn 12 yrs. old, we hold a special graduation and launch them into full-time ministry once they have completed First Principles Classes.

Unoffendables Graduation (Age 12)
We are called to be both kings and priests. Once a child turns 12, he or she will a special “Unoffendables Graduation Ceremony.” At the ceremony, the youth surrended a beloved toy in exchange for a graduation certificate, ring, personalized Bible, and variety of other gifts uniquely tailored to their interests.
The ring symbolizes covenant with the church and with the pastor who will continue to be a prayer covering and source of support for the young teen as they mature in the things of God. The ring symbolizes priesthood and the personalized Bible, symbolizes kingship.
Get Involved

To become a Volunteer
There are so many ways to support our children. All volunteers must undergo a background screening, complete First Principles classes, and be a tithing member of RCC.
Rock City Church Unoffendables
Monday – Friday: 8:30 am – 4:30 pm
Saturday – Closed
Sunday- Children’s Ministry Begins at 10:30 am