Pastoral Care

Pastoral Care is focused on seeing people become healthy in their spirit, soul and body. We believe that the stronger you are, the better you can impact those in your sphere of influence. We are here to support you as you grow in God in every facet of your life.

Specific Services

In Pastoral Care we are focused on reaching people and seeing each person grow to reach their full potential in God.

Check below to see which zone you are in. If you have any questions, you can call the church office: (410) 882-2217




Join weekly prayer in the morning on Zoom and corporate prayer on Saturday in the prayer room.

Learn More 


Zone A: 21022, 21031, 21057, 21131, 21204, 21209, 21211, 21234, 21252, 21284, 21286, 21030, 21285, 21093, 21120


Zone B: 21060, 21075, 21076, 21090, 21201, 21202, 21205, 21206, 21210, 21211, 21212, 21213, 21214, 21218, 21227, 21230, 21231, 21239, 21251, 21260, 21261, 21218, 21223, 21225, 21060, 21122


Zone C: 21001, 21009, 21013, 21014, 21015, 21021, 21040, 21047, 21050, 21060, 21078, 21082, 21085, 21087, 21219, 21220, 21226, 21236, 21221, 21222, 21224, 21237, 21162, 21128


Zone D: 21041, 21042, 21043, 21104, 21044, 21045, 21046, 21104, 21117, 21133, 21136, 21157, 21207, 21208, 21215, 21216, 21217, 21223, 21228, 21229, 21244

If you cannot find your zip code or you are outside of the Baltimore area, call Pastoral Care (410) 882-2217 to be assigned to a zone.
