How To Re-Cover | March 29, 2020 Episode 1

It is time for us to redeem the time, for the days are evil. All the enemy has done, God wants you to recover what the enemy has tried to steal.

Words matter. God has to be the source of our information, today. I want you to know that this book, God’s Word, is the resource and the source of all information that you need pertaining to life. Pertaining to every aspect of life. How do you pay your bills and how do you get through this? How do you handle being in a house with three or four or five young kids bouncing off the wall? God gives grace to those that need grace in the area that you need grace in!

The Bible says that heaven and earth will pass away but God’s Word will always remain. You need to take that seriously when I say that to you! Heaven and earth will pass away, but God’s Word will remain forever. Thank God, today, for the Holy Spirit. The Bible says that Holy Spirit is called our comforter. Isn’t that good news? The Holy Spirit comes to comfort you. Let him comfort you in this day.

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