Faith That Pleases God Part 1

What does it mean to live by faith? When you hear people say, “I live by faith”, what does that mean? I’m going to say something that’s real important. There are two things in all of our lives that God has granted us. One, He granted us time, and two, He granted us faith. The Bible says that He gave a measure of faith to every person. So, God gave you faith and God gave you time. We can learn to manage time, but we can never get time back. You can redeem time, which means that you get value out of the time you have left. Time and faith are two essential components to any person, and especially to a believer’s life.

I really want to build some faith under your feet and under your foundation. Everything begins with faith in God. Salvation begins by faith. You have to believe that God is, and that He’s a rewarder of them that diligently seek Him. You had faith before you met God. Because, when you came to an altar as an enemy of God, you knelt down, then you got up, and you believed God. You had enough faith to know that if you came to that altar, God was going to be there, and God was going to change your life. You may not have understood the full ramification of it, or the broadness and the depth, but you had faith to get up and say, “Come in, God!” So, you had faith before you met God.

The Holy Spirit gives us power in our lives by faith. Healing begins by faith. Ministry begins by faith. It’s faith that connects us to the source of all our supply of life. If I have faith, I believe God will. When we all have faith, we know God will. My faith can grow. My faith can be enlarged and expand. I have faith, today, that I surely didn’t have when I got saved. I have seen the goodness of God so many times and in so many ways. I know my God is able to do above and beyond whatever I could ask or think.
Hebrews 11: 6, “But without faith it is impossible to please Him.” We said on Monday that you all have faith. Here’s what that word in the Greek means. It’s really written this way – ‘If I don’t apply faith to whatever I’m standing in, I can’t please God.’ It’s not saying, “Without faith I don’t have faith.” You have faith because God gave you faith. The real rendering of that is: Everyday in my life I get an opportunity to apply the faith that God’s given me, and it grows. “For He that comes to God must believe that He is, and that He’s a rewarder of them that diligently seek Him.”

God has the greatest reward program in the world. Do you like to get rewards? You get that little gas card that gives you rewards when you buy gas. I have a credit card that gives me a reward with miles for every dollar I spend to fly. I can upgrade or buy tickets. It’s a rewards system. It says, “Without faith I can’t please God.” I’ve got to believe that when I come to Him, He is a rewarder. He has a reward system when I approach him with faith. When you approach God with faith, He is a rewarder of your faith. He’s not rewarding you because He likes you. Don’t be offended! He’s not rewarding you because you cried all night, or because you’re poor or pitiful. God rewards faith!

Now, the reason you’re not in the rewards club is because you’re doing things, everyday, with no application of faith. You’re not living in, walking in, or talking by faith. So, there’s no reward for what you just said.  Do you want to change your life and get into His rewards program? Your faith is the most important thing that you possess. Tears don’t always move God, but faith always does.  Our sacrifices don’t always move God, but faith does. Our broken heart doesn’t always move Him, but faith does. Needs don’t always move Him, but faith does. God didn’t bless you today because you were needy. God’s not a welfare system. Too many of us have grown up under entitlement programs so we approach God with the same attitude… that, “I’m getting a handout from the Big God.” God rewards according to your faith. And, your faith pleases Him.

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