Who Is In Charge? | April 26, 2020

Who is in Charge? The #1 Question in the 21st Century

“Nothing short of a great civil war of values rages throughout North America. Two sides with vastly differing incompatible world views are locked in a bitter conflict that permeates every level of society. It’s a war over ideas.” Boy! Is that true! Two sides with vast differences and incompatible world views and are locked in a bitter conflict that permeates every level of society. They said that it’s a war on ideas.

The definitive question that we’re facing in the 21st century in the church, today, is this. Who is in charge of the culture? Who’s in charge of the moral condition and who’s in charge of the political and the business arena? Who’s in charge of all this? The Bible says that the earth is the Lord’s and the fullness thereof.

I want you to get a picture because even though God is the owner of the earth, He allows things to happen that we oftentimes can’t explain. The corona virus pandemic that’s around the earth, in 185 different countries, or so. And, they’re all having some level of effect from this, whether it be the virus itself, or the economic turndown that’s happened, or whatever the case. Travel has been put on hold virtually around the world so, in that process there is a real need to get a hold of some answers. That’s what we’re doing here, today.

I think, if you come with me, you’re going to be able to fill in the answer of who’s in charge.

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How To Re-Cover | March 29, 2020 Episode 1

It is time for us to redeem the time, for the days are evil. All the enemy has done, God wants you to recover what the enemy has tried to steal.

Words matter. God has to be the source of our information, today. I want you to know that this book, God’s Word, is the resource and the source of all information that you need pertaining to life. Pertaining to every aspect of life. How do you pay your bills and how do you get through this? How do you handle being in a house with three or four or five young kids bouncing off the wall? God gives grace to those that need grace in the area that you need grace in!

The Bible says that heaven and earth will pass away but God’s Word will always remain. You need to take that seriously when I say that to you! Heaven and earth will pass away, but God’s Word will remain forever. Thank God, today, for the Holy Spirit. The Bible says that Holy Spirit is called our comforter. Isn’t that good news? The Holy Spirit comes to comfort you. Let him comfort you in this day.

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How To Re-Cover | March 29, 2020 Episode 2

It is time for us to redeem the time, for the days are evil. All the enemy has done, God wants you to recover what the enemy has tried to steal.

Words matter. God has to be the source of our information, today. I want you to know that this book, God’s Word, is the resource and the source of all information that you need pertaining to life. Pertaining to every aspect of life. How do you pay your bills and how do you get through this? How do you handle being in a house with three or four or five young kids bouncing off the wall? God gives grace to those that need grace in the area that you need grace in!

The Bible says that heaven and earth will pass away but God’s Word will always remain. You need to take that seriously when I say that to you! Heaven and earth will pass away, but God’s Word will remain forever. Thank God, today, for the Holy Spirit. The Bible says that Holy Spirit is called our comforter. Isn’t that good news? The Holy Spirit comes to comfort you. Let him comfort you in this day.

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How To Re-Cover | March 29, 2020 Episode 3

It is time for us to redeem the time, for the days are evil. All the enemy has done, God wants you to recover what the enemy has tried to steal.

Words matter. God has to be the source of our information, today. I want you to know that this book, God’s Word, is the resource and the source of all information that you need pertaining to life. Pertaining to every aspect of life. How do you pay your bills and how do you get through this? How do you handle being in a house with three or four or five young kids bouncing off the wall? God gives grace to those that need grace in the area that you need grace in!

The Bible says that heaven and earth will pass away but God’s Word will always remain. You need to take that seriously when I say that to you! Heaven and earth will pass away, but God’s Word will remain forever. Thank God, today, for the Holy Spirit. The Bible says that Holy Spirit is called our comforter. Isn’t that good news? The Holy Spirit comes to comfort you. Let him comfort you in this day.

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How To Re-Cover | March 29, 2020 Episode 4

Words matter. This is a day of counting our words. We’re really going to have to be responsible for our words. We need the leaders of our nation in America to be responsible for their words. We need the news media to be responsible for their words. It’s so easy to cast out words. We pick it out like Campbells Alphabet Soup, and we throw out these words that really have no reality to them. They have no substance to them.

Today, I’m going to push aside all of the empty rhetoric and all of the contradictive rhetoric. I’m going to push it away by the anointing and call of God so that we might hear from God and that we might hear what God is saying prophetically to each of us, right now. There’s a whole bunch of understanding that needs to happen and God is our source. He has to be the source of our information, today. I want you to know that. This book, God’s Word, is the resource and the source of all information that you need pertaining to life. Pertaining to every aspect of life. How do you pay your bills and how do you get through this? How do you handle being in a house with three or four or five young kids bouncing off the wall? That’s a whole other world. I thank God that my children are grown and out of the house! I love them, but I don’t know that I have the patience if I had them underfoot at this age. But… You know that God gives grace to those that need grace in the area that you need grace in!

The Bible says that heaven and earth will pass away but God’s Word will always remain. You need to take that seriously when I say that to you! Heaven and earth will pass away, but God’s Word will remain forever. Thank God, today, for the Holy Spirit.

The Bible says that Holy Spirit is called our comforter. Isn’t that good news? The Holy Spirit comes to comfort you. Let him comfort you in this day. As I pray and listen and hear the Father, I hear the word often times through a prophetic filter. So, when I’m reading God’s Word, I first read it to gain it for myself. I try to read the Word so that I get a word for me. Not a word for you, but for me. The second thing I pray is that God would not only let me get a word but that I would get a word so that I can deliver it to you. So many times when I’m reading the Word I see it through a prophetic filter. I just don’t read the Word without seeing a better perspective of the past, the present, and of the future. I see it through a prophetic lens. I’ll speak to you, today, through that prophetic filter that might allow the prophetic lens of God’s ways to be seen, both from the past and seen into the future. That’s what this is about, today. I’m going to take you somewhere and it will really define our day.

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