The 5G Shift

(New) The 5-G Shift


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In the book The 5-G Shift, Bishop Bart Pierce challenges generations that have grown up in a “what’s in it for me” culture to look outside themselves to mentor and make a difference in the next generation. If we do not change the current tide of selfishness to selflessness, the church and hope for the church in America is dwindling away until church buildings will only be empty sepulchers of where God used to be. Now is the time to awaken believers to mentor and care about the next generation.

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About the Author:

Bishop Bart Pierce is considered one of our nation’s top leaders and is recognized as a pastor to pastors.  He serves as the Senior Pastor of Rock City Church, located in Baltimore, Maryland. He and his wife, Coralee, have been married for over 40 years and have three children and six grandchildren.

They have a calling to express the reality of God’s Kingdom through compassion ministry. Bishop Pierce has pioneered numerous ministries of compassion for the poor, drug addicted, and women in crises, to name a few. He is the co-founder of Global Compassion Network (GCN), an organization that networks US and foreign nations for the purpose of reaching those in crisis. He offers apostolic oversight to churches throughout the US, and in nations such as Ghana, Cambodia, U.A.E., Tanzania, Ivory Coast, Madagascar, India and Pakistan.

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Weight 1 lbs


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